Wednesday, May 23, 2012

National Senior Health and Fitness Day to be held at McLeod Health ...

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On Wednesday, May 30, an estimated 100,000 older adults will participate in local fitness activities throughout the country as part of the 19th annual National Senior Health and Fitness Day(NSHFD), the nation's largest health promotion event for older adults.

Older adults at all levels of physical fitness are encouraged to participate in National Senior Health and Fitness Day. The goal is to make exercise fun, increase awareness of the benefits of a regular exercise program for older adults, and to encourage all older adults to take advantage of health and fitness programs offered in theFlorencecommunity.

The McLeod Health and Fitness Center will host a special event to recognize the senior community on Wednesday, May 30. The event includes fitness walks, low-impact exercises, health screenings and information, and much more. National Senior Health and Fitness Day is open to both members and non-members of the McLeod Health andFitnessCenter.

Below is the McLeod Health & Fitness Center schedule of activities from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. May 30. (The schedule is subject to change.)

7:30 a.m. ??????????????????????????????? Registration Begins

7:45 a.m. - 1 p.m. ????????????? Cholesterol Screenings

8 a.m.???????????????????????????????? Rail Trail Walk (meet in the H&FC front lobby)

8:15 a.m.???????????????????????????????? Working out H2O Style

8:30 a.m.???????????????????????????????? Fit For Life Senior Fitness

8:45 a.m. ??????????????????????????????? Aqua Blast

10 a.m.?????????????????????????????? Arthritis Aquatics

11 a.m.?????????????????????????????? Arthritis Aquatics

11 a.m.?????????????????????????????? Nutrition for Active Seniors

11:30 a.m.?????????????????????????????? Yoga

8 a.m. - 1 p.m. ????????????? Information Booths


Dr. Rodney Alan, an Orthopedic Surgeon with McLeod Orthopedics, will be present from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. to answer questions on joint pain, arthritis, and joint replacement surgery.

All seniors in the community are invited to participate. For more information, contact Jimmy Tassios at McLeod Health and Fitness Center, (843) 777-3000.

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